News & Updates

Gnomes in the Rain
Twelve of our Junior Guides attended the “Day with the Gnome” activity at Lingbogol

Monster Mother & Daughter Night
Delacombe Junior Girl Guides enjoyed a Monster Mother Daughter Night

First Night Care Packs
Girl Guides have assisted in a project to create First Night Care Packs for emergency foster care.

Glasses Collection Updated
The Miner has published an updated article (page 18) covering how many glasses our Girl Guides have collected for the Recycle for Sight project. 3005 glasses, and still going When Ballarat Girl Guides…

Guides at 2018 Anzac Day Service
Girl Guides have attended the various Anzac Day Services throughout Ballarat.

Premier Active April Challenge
Girl Guides in Ballarat will be participating in the annual Premier’s Active April challenge. Register as part of our team and enjoy the benefits of 30 minutes of physical activity per day.

Action April
We are currently seeking 35 local businesses to take ACTION in APRIL and sponsor a volunteer Girl Guide Leader.

Olaves @ White Night
The Choc Chic Ranger Guides and the Greater Castlemaine Olave unit joined together to enjoy White Night.

Funding to Increase Guiding
Girl Guides Victoria has received funding of $1 million from the Victorian State Government to increase access to Guiding for disadvantaged girls .

Begonia Festival Parade
Ballarat Girl Guides walked in the Ballarat Begonia Festival Parade, singing all the way.