First Night Care Packs

GirlGuidesBallarat FirstNightCarePacks3

June 1, 2018

Assisting Emergency Foster Care

Ballarat Girl Guides have helped out with a recent project organised by Federation University students.

GirlGuidesBallarat FirstNightCarePacks3The task was to collect items to create First Night Care Packs to assist children who are placed into emergency foster care. The aim of the packs is to make the transition a little less traumatic by providing essential items to children who are not always able to take anything with them.

The University students provided details about their project on a facebook page, outlining the purpose and the items required. Louise visited the Guide units and explained further.

The girls were keen to help other children in such situations. The following week, Guides and Leaders returned with soft toys, books, clothing and bathroom products that they had purchased.

Thank you to the Guiding families who provided items to help create more than 160+ packs.


GirlGuidesBallarat FirstNightCarePacks3
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