Olaves @ White Night

March 17, 2018
Ranger Guides and Olaves
On March 17th, Girl Guides joined the festivities of Ballarat’s White Night event.
All Guides aged 14+ were invited to attend a special activity to link the Choc Chic Ranger Unit and the Greater Castlemaine Olave unit. The girls made their way through the various activities available and admired the beautiful lighting effects.
The activity provided an opportunity for conversation, relaxation and an enjoyable night out with Guiding friends. The night finished with the making of ‘Cold Rock’ ice creams.
The Choc Chic Ranger Guides are a unit of girls aged 14+. This year they celebrate their 21st anniversary. The unit is ‘Girl Led’ whereby the youth members lead the unit.
Olaves is a unit especially for young women aged 18 to 29. The unit provides support and offers the opportunity to achieve awards, including ‘Olaves Take Action’, ‘OBP Award’ and ‘Olave Challenge’.