News & Updates

Clean Up Australia
Our Girl Guides recently helped tidy up Ballarat as part of the annual Clean Up Australia program.

Ballista Waterbombs
Guides from several local units participated in the annual Construction Destruction event

Ballarat Guiding event for Thinking Day
Guides from all across Ballarat have joined together to kick off celebrations for 100 years of Guiding as well as World Thinking Day.

BP Awards for Ballarat
Congratulations to our Ballarat Guides who have completed the BP peak achievement award.

The Bee Challenge
Ballarat Guides have taken on the challenge of learning about bees to acknowledge World Bee Day on
May 20th. The girls are learning about bees, honey making and what we can do to help the world-wide bee crisis.

Trefoil Activities
The Ruff Diamond Trefoils continue to meet on a monthly basis, participating in different activities each time. Queenscliff In March, several car loads of members travelled to Queenscliff for a…

International Day of Dance
This week, some of our Guides acknowledged International Dance Day with a night of dancing. The Guides were treated to a neo-classical solo performance by volunteer Leader Zayda Vandenberg who…

Region Canoeing Activity
Eighty Girl Guides have enjoyed the opportunity to canoe on St George’s Lake.

Trefoil Promise on Thinking Day
The Ruff Diamond Trefoils made Thinking Day 2021 an extra cause for celebration. As well as acknowledging World Thinking Day on February 22nd, the Ruff Diamonds used this special date…

Frisbee Golf
This term our Guides are spending as much time outdoors as possible. The 2020 covid-lockdown meant that many outdoor activities were cancelled or postponed, so we are determined to provide…

3 Guiding Generations
Guiding has been quite different in 2020 with most of our meetings held virtually via interactive Zoom sessions. It was during one of these Zoom sessions in June that 5…

Great timing for hikes
Just hours before it was announced that Guiding was once again to avoid face-to-face meetings, three local units had enjoyed separate hiking activities on a surprisingly glorious winter Sunday. All…

Help our local Growling Grass Frogs
The frogs that live at our local Girl Guide campsite need your help. We have the opportunity to apply for some funding to help improve their environment. Your volunteer Leaders…

Free Guide membership
Girl Guides Victoria have invested more than $1M into the community to support girls and women by providing complementary 12-month memberships to current and new members.

Ballarat Guide spreading rainbows
Maddy has provided service to her community by painting rainbows and displaying teddy bears.