News & Updates

Service to the Animal Shelter
Local Girl Guides have donated handmade toys and blankets to the Ballarat Animal Shelter

Participate in Geelong Showtime
Ballarat Guides are invited to perform in the Geelong Showtime production.

Active April has begun
Girl Guides in Ballarat will be participating in the annual Premier’s Active April challenge. Register as part of our team and enjoy the benefits of 30 minutes of physical activity per day.

Premier Active April Challenge
Girl Guides in Ballarat will be participating in the annual Premier’s Active April challenge. Register as part of our team and enjoy the benefits of 30 minutes of physical activity per day.

Guides @ Begonia Festival Parade
Ballarat Girl Guides and Leaders have participated in the Ballarat Begonia Festival parade.

Region Canoeing @ Creswick
Eighty Girl Guides have enjoyed the opportunity to canoe on St George’s Lake.

Brownies in Delacombe
The Delacombe Junior Guides have learnt how their unit was originally a Brownie Unit while Kaitlyn taught them all about Australian Brownie Guides.

Decorating the Tram
Recycling and re-purposing 11th Ballarat Guides have made flowers to help decorate the tram that will be in operation for next year’s Ballarat Begonia Festival. The flowers the girls made…

World Teachers Day 2018
Primary school teachers have enjoyed a special night at Girl Guides to celebrate World Teachers Day.