
  • List 5 ways that you can conserve water at home – pick one of these and carry it out for at least a week.
  • Make a poster encouraging people to treat waterways well.
  • Pass a stage in swimming – or participate in any activity on/in water.
  • Identify 5 items in the home that will float and 5 that will sink – and test them to see if you are right.
  • With a partner, or in a group, see how many times you can throw and catch a balloon half-filled with water.
  • Participate in a relay where you have to carry water from one container to an empty container.
  • Organise a game: Get your whole patrol across a pretend polluted river (area of ground) using only 3 pieces of newspaper.  You are not allowed to slide on the newspaper.
  • Make a poster showing 5 dangers you might find at a swimming pool or a beach.
  • Decide on a way you can save water and do it for a week
  • Find out how much water you need to drink every day to be healthy – keep track of how much you drink for a week and see how well you do!
  • Participate in a relay race that involves carrying at least 2 litres of water around a course so that you understand how hard it is for people who don’t get water out of a tap.
  • Try canoeing, sailing or kayaking.
  • Know how to send an SOS message.
  • Throw a life line 10 metres.
  • Tie a fishing hook to a fishing line with the correct knots.
  • Visit an aquarium.
  • Learn something about or visit the Volunteer Coastal Patrol or Life Saving Australia.
  • Float, sail or build a raft on the water.
  • Go on a ferry ride and write about it.
  • Ride a boogie board or surf board.
  • Identify the 5 oceans of the world.
  • Learn about an ocean bird.
  • Use shells to create a masterpiece.
  • Do some sand modeling.
  • Make a mythical sea monster.
  • Take part in a clean up along our coastal shore.
  • Visit the sewerage works.
  • Make a display on pollution of the sea.
  • Find out about the fishing laws of Victoria.
  • Learn how to light a flare and know when to use it.
  • Show you can tie a bowline or another sailor’s knot.
  • Learn how to phone the weather line for a forecast warning or find the information on the internet.
  • Demonstrate CPR.
  • Clean and cook a fresh fish.
  • Be able to describe one use of a water wheel (eg for irrigation) and make a simple model.
  • Make a simple model showing steam power
  • Check the brand names for Dolphin free tuna.
  • Investigate an environmental issue of your choice.
  • Do an experiment involving water – this might include dissolving something
  • Visit Lake Wendouree (or another lake or large dam).  Make a list of plants, animals and birds that live on, in or very near the water.  You might need to take a photo or draw a quick picture of something you see to research later. 
  • Make a poster showing the life cycle of an animal (bird, insect, fish, amphibian, mammal) that lives on, in or very near the water.
  • Demonstrate how to wash and dry dishes using a traditional sink with soapy water. Or using a camp sink.
  • Time how long it takes to have a shower. Work on reducing this time over a week.
  • Find out where to locate the water meter at your house and know how and when to turn it off. Make sure that the meter is not ‘ticking over’ if all the taps are turned off (or something may be leaking/dripping somewhere)
  • Wash the car using a bucket and trigger hose.


  • Demonstrate a slide-in entry.
  • Recover from a back float or back glide to a standing or other secure position.
  • Demonstrate survival sculling for 30 seconds, float for 1 minute holding a rescue flotation aid thrown to you and then kick to the edge.
  • Swim on the chest, back or side for a total of 30 seconds.
  • Be pulled through the water with a rope for 5 metres to a position of safety.
  • Recover an object from water of chest depth.
  • Swim 20 metres using a recognisable stroke.

Water Skier

  • Know hand signals used between skier and boat driver and be able to use them.
  • Know and understand the duties of the observer.
  • Be able to ski on 2 skis, land safely and replace skis after a fall.
  • Complete a deep water start.
  • Cross the boat wash in both directions on 2 skis.

Snow Skier

  • Show that you know how to care for boots and ski-soles, and explain why this care is necessary.
  • Know the basic principles regarding safety in the snow and understand the hazards of the snow country.
  • Demonstrate in good style the following: herringbone, side-stepping to the left and right on a slope of up to 10 degrees (1 in 6)
  • Complete in good style a no-fall descent of 100 metres over slope of not less than 10 degrees (1 in 6).


  • Throw an unweighted line 10.5 metres, to fall between two objects 2 metres apart.
  • Be able to paddle a single or as a partner in a double canoe.
  • Demonstrate paddling with feathered paddles and how to use a paddle as a stabiliser
  • Capsize a canoe, bring it ashore with paddles and empty it.



Badge Syllabus Ideas


Girl Guide Badges