News & Updates

Guides @ ICC T20 World Cup
Ballarat Guides have attended the Women’s T20 match and watched the Aussies win.

Cornish Bardic Ceremony
11th Ballarat Guides have participated in the Cornish Bardic Ceremony as part of a Cornish Festival.

World’s Greatest Shave
Angela, one of our volunteer Guide Leaders will be shaving her head AT GUIDES !!!

Ballarat Guide at Government House
Kaitlyn Brown has been presented with the Queens Guide certificate by The Honourable Linda Dessau AC Governor of Victoria

Queens Guide Award in Ballarat
Congratulaltions to Kailtyn Brown on being presented with the Queen’s Guides Award .

5 BP Awards for Ballarat
Congratulations to our Ballarat Guides who have completed the BP peak achievement award.

World Teachers Day 2019
Primary school teachers have enjoyed a special night at Girl Guides to celebrate World Teachers Day.

Senior Volunteering Award
Local Guide Leader, Dawn Fischer, has been recognised with the 2019 Mayor’s Award for Contribution to Volunteering.

Supersized Sunflower Sleepover
Local Guides have helped break a record of the number of Guides attending a sleepover on the same night.