Premier Active April Challenge 2020

March 16, 2020
The Premier’s Active April program is an annual Victorian Government project that promotes a healthy and active lifestyle and to provides opportunities to increase physical activity.
The Australian Girl Program has a ‘physical’ element that encourages being active, healthy and strong and participating in activities. There are many things that we can all be doing to incorporate 30 minutes of physical activity into each day. This is especially important during this difficult period when schools and Guiding meetings have been suspended.
Just register as a participant, then log your hours of physical activity. Easy.
There are prizes and benefits for participants, although some of these may no longer be available with the current Ballarat closures.
Register for Active April
If you have already registered, skip to “Join the Girl Guide Team”
- Visit the Active April website
- Select the REGISTER button. Or if you participated last year, you can just choose RETURNING FROM 2019? and update automatically.
- You can register each member of your family and add them all to our team. Encourage friends and family too. Everybody benefits from physical activity.
Join the Girl Guide Team
Select the TEAMS menu navigation item
- Locate the REQUEST TO JOIN A TEAM section
- Where prompted, enter the “Team ID” as girl-guides-ballarat the select the JOIN TEAM button.
Feel free to add your family members to the Girl Guides Ballarat Team
Print your card
- Select the CARD menu navigation item
- Hover over the image of your card then click on the GENERATE CARD button
- Hover over the image of your card then click on the DOWNLOAD CARD button
This will download a pdf version of your card that you can print out and present at the Aquatic Centre for free swimming sessions.
You can also use a Digital Card via the app called PREMIER’S ACTIVE APRIL
Track your Time
- After April 1, select the TRACKER menu navigation item
- Record the time spent on physical activities
Let’s all see how much time we can accumulate for the Ballarat Girl Guides team.
This might also be the perfect opportunity to work on a fitness related interest badge. Check out the syllabus for some ideas.