International Women’s Day

March 12, 2020
Our Ballarat Guides have acknowledged International Women’s Day in various ways.
Some Guides attended the Women’s ICC T20 World Cup finals in the Melbourne which showcased female talent and achievement to a record breaking crowd that included Girl Guides, the Girl Guides Australia Board and many of the Girl Guides Victoria Executive Team.
Delacombe Junior Guides enjoyed activities in their unit that included:
- discussing the aims of International Women’s Day
- wearing purple hair ribbons
- suggesting programming ideas (as part of the aim of empowering girls)
- running game relating to gender stereotypes (as part of the aim of gender equality)
- identifying female role models and their personality traits. The most popular suggestions were mum, Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, and even their friends and older sisters. They put a lot of thought into the task for 5-9 year olds.
- playing a game that benefited from people working together to achieve the same goal
- an at-home task to show courage and strength in new or difficult tasks during the next week (one of the Guide laws that co-incides with being a strong female).