STEM like a Girl
State STEM Camp for Guides aged 13½-17
STEM camp is a two-night indoor camp for Guides aged 13½ – 17 years with an interest in science, technology, engineering, and maths. This camp is designed to give Guides an opportunity to try out a wide range of STEM-related activities in a formal STEM-focussed learning environment.
Lunch on Wednesday will be hosted by the School of Engineering and enable Guides to meet professional women in a variety of STEM-related fields.
This camp is partially funded by a STEM Grant awarded to Girl Guides Victoria by the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science (Federal Government) to encourage girls’ participation in STEM education.
Accommodation will be within residential accommodation on campus, and the camp program will be based from the School of Engineering.
- support@guidesvic.org.au
- (03) 8606 3500
Registrations are online and close at 11.59 pm on Monday 16 December 2019 (or when capacity is reached)