Snoozefest 2020
Luna Park Sleepover
Snoozefest 2020 is sleepover for Girl Guides under the stars at Luna Park!
Girls will enjoy an everlasting experience on a thrilling adventure at Luna Park! Sleeping under the stars, screaming on the rides, and bonding with the friends, new and old, they make along the way.
For: Girl Guides aged 10-17 and their Leaders
Cost: $90, includes
- five hours of unlimited access to over 15 carnival rides, including the Scenic Railway roller coaster, Ferris Wheel, arcade games and Power Surge
- Snoozefest 2020 sun-smart bucket hat
- Breakfast
- Exciting morning activities never seen at Snoozefest before!
Note that transport costs will be in addition to the event cost. Arrangements will be discussed closer to the event and may require parent transport.
Youth members must attend with their Unit Leader who will provide supervision while Luna Park is open to the public. Please chat with your Unit Leader before registering for Snoozefest 2020.
- registration closes midnight on Monday 20 January (or sooner if the event reaches capacity). No late registrations will be accepted.
- Guides Victoria online registration
More information
- Download the information pack before registering
- Enquiries regarding registrations and payment: support@guidesvic.org.au
- Enquiries regarding event plans and health matters: snoozefest@guidesvic.org.au