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Combined unit camp





Lingbogol Guide Camp
16 Geddes Road
Creswick, Victoria Australia
+ Google Map

Delacombe & Sebastopol Girl Guides

Annual combined unit camp for Delacombe Junior Girl Guides and 1st Sebastopol Guides. This year our camp will be held at Lingbogol in Creswick and we will all be sleeping indoors.

  • Download the Kit List
  • Register and make payment below
  • Complete the Youth Activity Permission form that was emailed and return to your Leader at your next Guide meeting.


Cost: $40 (additional cost subsidised by unit funds)


RSVP closes November 10th as we need to purchase food and activity items.

"*" indicates required fields

Guide Unit*
Health status*
I acknowledgement that I will withdraw my daughter from the activity if she becomes unwell or is in contact with any contagious illness in the week leading up to the activity.
This applies also if she is required to isolate or quarantine due to Covid-19.
The official Activity Permission Form will request details of all health, medical and allergy information. This will be provided after all responses have been received. Is there anything we need to know before then?
Photo Permission*
Photos will be taken at this activity and used for PR on Facebook and Guiding websites. Do you consent to photos of your Guide being used for this purpose. If 'no", please ensure that your Guide knows to avoid photographs.
$10 per Guide.
Price: $ 10.00
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Find a Unit
We have Girl Guide Units available in different areas, on different nights and for different age groups.  Find a Unit that is suitable for you.
Contact Us
If you have an enquiry, feel free to send your details and a local Guide Leader will contact you directly. You might also like to view our Frequently Asked Questions page
Sponsorship Opportunities
Find out about opportunities for businesses to assist a local Girl Guide unit.