A Day with the Gnomes
A special event has been organised for our 5-7 year old Guides. The program has an environmental theme with a little bit of magic to spark the imagination.
When: Wednesday 11th July 2018
Where: Lingbogol (more details on your note)
Time: 9.00am – 4.00pm
Cost: $15.00 including morning and afternoon snacks. Please pay this to your Leader before the end of term.
Wear: Guide uniform, coat, hat/beanie, gumboots/waterproof shoes.
- packed lunch
- drink bottle
- carry bag big enough for lunch, drink bottle and goodies made to take home.
- Complete the RSVP form by 29th June and return to your Leader
- Provide information on food allergies
Small yoghurt containers will be needed for an activity so please collect and bring along that you may have.
For more information about the event, call or text Julie-Anne on 0419 517 331