GirlGuidesBallarat Abseiling

Term 4 Guiding

Guiding in Ballarat during term 4

BallaratGirlGuides Canoeing 8237

Canoeing @ Creswick

Girl Guides from Ballarat enjoyed the opportunity to canoe on St George’s Lake.

ButterflyGuides Award

SmArt Winner

Xanthe O’Donnell and the recycled garbage bag swan she made to win the SmArt recycling competition.

GirlGuidesBallarat Teacher 8066 Lumen

World Teachers Day 2017

Local primary school teachers attended a special night at Girl Guides to celebrate World Teachers Day.

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Glasses Collection in The Miner

Details of the Recycle for Sight program have been included in an article in The Miner

Girl Guides Ballarat DonationItems Tegan

September Guiding

September was a very busy month for Guiding in Ballarat.

Girl Guides Ballarat Toy Library

Service at Toy Library

Ballarat Girl Guides have provided service at the Ballarat Toy Library.


Mug Muster

Mugs are needed to help out the Breezeway Ballarat program. Find out how you can help.


Victorian Contingent Logo Competition

Competition to design a logo for the Victorian contingent of Guides who will attend the Sydney Jamboree in 2018.


Girl Guide Shop

Check out the video of our new Guide Shop at the Docklands.