Leap Year

Leap Year 2024 Delacombe (6)

February 29, 2024

When it’s a Leap Year and February 29th occurs on a Guide night, of course we’re going to organise a special night.

The last time a Leap Day landed on a Thursday night was in 1996, and the next occurrence won’t be until 2052. So both the Delacombe and Sebastopol Units, which meet on Thursdays, seized the opportunity to mark the special date.

The Guides had a great time enjoying challenges and activities such as:

  • identifying photos of other Guides taken during the previous Leap Year
  • skipping with ropes
  • playing hopscotch
  • imitating the Toyota jump
  • leapfrogging over each other
  • participating in a hopping relay
  • acting out movement of animals known to jump
  • racing frogs
  • jumping relay with water balloons
  • decorating biscuits to resemble frogs
  • solving a frog-themed jigsaw
  • making origami jumping frogs
  • constructing paper rafts to transport plastic frogs across water
  • identified smaller words from the word ‘February’
  • and using teamwork to transport the patrol across lily pads



INTB Leap Day 2024

Leap Year 2024 Delacombe (6)
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Waterbombs with the Scouts