Thinking Day at the Water Park

District Thinking Day 2024 (119)

February 22, 2024

Ballarat District Girl Guides had an absolute blast celebrating Thinking Day at the Sebastopol Water Park. On a day where temperatures reached 37 degrees, an event at the water park proved to be the perfect way to cool off.

District Thinking Day 2024 119Volunteer Leaders from Sebastopol and Delacombe Guides planned the event with fingers crossed for a lovely summer night to enjoy the planned activities. However, each passing day of the week grew increasingly hotter.  They meticulously monitored weather apps, determining that the scheduled timeslot offered a reprieve from the predicted thunderstorm. Even so, the risk management assessment was updated and a  ‘Plan B’ was organised, just in case.  Fortunately,  it didn’t need to be implemented. Nearby bush fires heightened concerns with late afternoon smoke adding an extra potential issue.

But just in time for the activity, the smoke cleared, strong winds subsided and cloud cover prevented searing heat. The conditions were perfect.

Choosing the water park as the venue, the event’s theme focused on acknowledging the universal challenge of water conservation across Guiding countries and the value of this vital resource.

Throughout the evening, the girls enjoyed in a variety of planned activities:

  • floating a duck in a water-filled holey pipe
  • transporting water in paper-cups to fill buckets
  • bouncing water balloons across towels
  • impressive bubble blowing
  • eating icypoles
  • and of course, playing under the cool water of the water park

An impressive round of “Make New Friends” likely entertained locals. Margaret Littlehales shared anecdotes of Olave Baden-Powell’s visit to Ballarat, including her stay at the Ballarat Base Hospital, and how this led to girls donating the value of their ice cream to help Lady BP.

Big thanks to the organising team and the Security Patrol of volunteer dads who kept an eye on everything, monitored the skies and were ready to help relocate the event if necessary.


The evening was so enjoyable that the 11th Ballarat Guides repeated some of the activities at their Unit meeting the following week; another very hot Ballarat day.


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