Thinking Day 2016 Ballarat

Premier Active April Challenge

Girl Guides in Ballarat will be participating in the annual Premier’s Active April challenge. Register as part of our team and enjoy the benefits of 30 minutes of physical activity per day.

35 Leaders Sponsor

Action April

We are currently seeking 35 local businesses to take ACTION in APRIL and sponsor a volunteer Girl Guide Leader.

GirlGuidesBallarat WhiteNight

Olaves @ White Night

The Choc Chic Ranger Guides and the Greater Castlemaine Olave unit joined together to enjoy White Night.

GirlGuidesBallarat Funding

Funding to Increase Guiding

Girl Guides Victoria has received funding of $1 million from the Victorian State Government to increase access to Guiding for disadvantaged girls .

Girl Guides Ballarat Begonia Parade

Begonia Festival Parade

Ballarat Girl Guides walked in the Ballarat Begonia Festival Parade, singing all the way.

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Guides @ Begonia Festival

Ballarat Girl Guides and Leaders are helping out at the Ballarat Begonia Festival in the “Budding Gardeners Tent”.

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Clean Up Australia 2018

Girl Guides from Ballarat have participated in the 2018 Clean Up Australia campaign.

Girl Guides Ballarat Zayda Youth Of The Year

Lions Youth of the Year Program

Zayda Vandenberg competed in the Lions Youth of the Year competition.

GirlGuidesBallarat Olaves

Olaves in Ballarat

In Ballarat, our 18-29 year old members are part of the Greater Castlemaine Olaves. They meet monthly and organise regular activities.

Girl Guides Ballarat ThinkingDay2018

Thinking Day Activity 2018

On February 22, nearly 80 Girl Guides in Ballarat joined together in the rain to celebrate World Thinking Day with a fun night of activities.