Community groups map Sebastopol walkways

March 7, 2016
On Saturday March 5, various community groups and local residents met together to walk with a purpose.
Participants met at the Ballarat South Community Hub in Sebastopol for a Map my Town event aimed at encouraging active transport. This is a joint project with the Ballarat Neighbourhood Centre, The Ballarat Community Centre, The Y and the City of Ballarat. The result is to create resources that show how easy it is to get around the suburb by walking or cycling.
Each team followed an assigned path on a supplied map and documented distances travelled at 10 minute intervals. A map will later be produced that indicates locations that can be walked within certain time frames.
The project encourages walking because of the benefits of:
- improved public health and health cost savings
- reduced traffic congestion
- reduced road provision costs
- reduced vehicle ownership
- reduced operating and parking costs
- reduced environmental pollution and pollution and traffic noise
- improved physical and cognitive health for children and seniors
- increased social connections
Participants were rewarded with a morning tea, a coffee and a make-your-own slushy.