Begonia Guides Walk

Walk in her Shoes

Girl Guides Australia are proud supporters of CARE Australia’s Walk in Her Shoes challenge. Globally, Girl Guides have a vision of a world where “All girls and young women are…

Ballarat Begonia Guides Clean Up Australia

Ballarat Guides Clean Up Australia

The annual Clean Up Australia campaign is the perfect opportunity for Girl Guides to provide service to their community. Each unit chooses their own area and collects discarded rubbish and…


Community groups map Sebastopol walkways

On Saturday March 5, various community groups and local residents met together to walk with a purpose. Participants met at the Ballarat South Community Hub in Sebastopol for a Map…

Girl Guide knots

Water fight between Scouts and Guides

Tonight, on a lovely night in Sebastopol, several patrols of Girl Guides from the Ballarat District participated in the annual Construction/Destruction activity organised by local Scouts. The first challenge was…

Girl Guides

Guides attend Commemorative Service for Annie Westcott

On the morning of February 27th 2016, a special ceremony was held at the Ballarat Old Cemetery to commemorate the service of Annie Westcott AANS (1875 – 1951) and the…

Thinking Day 2016 Ballarat

Thinking Day in Ballarat

Following a day where the World Flag was flying at the Ballarat Town Hall, local Girl Guides spent the evening celebrating World Thinking Day at a local outdoor swimming pool.…

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World Thinking Day statement from Baden-Powell

World Thinking Day/Founder’s Day Statement February 2016 In Baden-Powell’s last message to Scouters and Guiders, released after his death in 1941, in describing the purpose of Scouting and Guiding he…


World Flag flying in Ballarat

On Monday February 22nd February, the Ballarat City Council will acknowledge Thinking Day by flying our World Flag in Sturt Street in front to the Town Hall. If you get a…

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Guides enjoy water activities to cool down

On a day where it reached 27.5 degrees in Ballarat, it was quite logical for the local Girl Guide units to migrate to a nearby waterpark.  Uniforms and all. Approximately 50…


Girls Rock 2016

  Girl Guide Leaders from across Victoria gathered at the Melbourne Town Hall for the annual Girls Rock conference.  This special activity is for adult Guiding members and focuses on…