GirlGuidesBallarat 11th Jacinta

Rockclimbing Enrolment

Guide enrolment on the rock climbing wall

Girl Guides Ballarat August Action 2018

August Action Service

Food bank donations for August Action challenge

GirlGuidesBallarat RosePlanting

Rose Planting for Guides

Recreation of historical rose planting

Region Map 2018 Central Highlands

Design a Region Badge

Help design the Central Highlands Region badge.

GirlGuidesBallarat GnomeDay

Gnomes in the Rain

Twelve of our Junior Guides attended the “Day with the Gnome” activity at Lingbogol

GirlGuidesBallarat Tshirts

Creative t-shirts

11th Ballarat Guides have created their own unique t-shirts

GirlGuidesBallarat Goop

Monster Mother & Daughter Night

Delacombe Junior Girl Guides enjoyed a Monster Mother Daughter Night

GirlGuidesBallart MakeMusic3

Make Music Day

Ballarat Guides have enjoyed “Make Music Day” with an informal concert.

GirlGuidesBallarat 2764

National Chocolate Ice Cream Day

Our Guides made ice cream on National Chocolate Ice Cream day

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First Night Care Packs

Girl Guides have assisted in a project to create First Night Care Packs for emergency foster care.