GirlGuidesBallarat Tshirts

Creative t-shirts

11th Ballarat Guides have created their own unique t-shirts

GirlGuidesBallarat Goop

Monster Mother & Daughter Night

Delacombe Junior Girl Guides enjoyed a Monster Mother Daughter Night

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Make Music Day

Ballarat Guides have enjoyed “Make Music Day” with an informal concert.

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National Chocolate Ice Cream Day

Our Guides made ice cream on National Chocolate Ice Cream day

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First Night Care Packs

Girl Guides have assisted in a project to create First Night Care Packs for emergency foster care.

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Ballarat Heritage Weekend

Guides helping with Robot Workshop at the Ballarat Heritage Weekend.

GirlGuidesBallarat 9755 Glasses App

Glasses Collection Updated

The Miner has published an updated article (page 18) covering how many glasses our Girl Guides have collected for the Recycle for Sight project. 3005 glasses, and still going When Ballarat Girl Guides…

GirlGuidesBallarat AnzacDayFlagRaising

Guides at 2018 Anzac Day Service

Girl Guides have attended the various Anzac Day Services throughout Ballarat.

Thinking Day 2016 Ballarat

Premier Active April Challenge

Girl Guides in Ballarat will be participating in the annual Premier’s Active April challenge. Register as part of our team and enjoy the benefits of 30 minutes of physical activity per day.

35 Leaders Sponsor

Action April

We are currently seeking 35 local businesses to take ACTION in APRIL and sponsor a volunteer Girl Guide Leader.