GirlGuidesBallarat BuniyongMackenzie

Service to the Animal Shelter

Local Girl Guides have donated handmade toys and blankets to the Ballarat Animal Shelter


Participate in Geelong Showtime

Ballarat Guides are invited to perform in the Geelong Showtime production.

Mollie DelacombeJuniorGuides

An English Brownie

An English Brownie now an Australian Girl Guide.

GirlGuidesBallarat Walking Delacombe

Active April has begun

Girl Guides in Ballarat will be participating in the annual Premier’s Active April challenge. Register as part of our team and enjoy the benefits of 30 minutes of physical activity per day.

Active April Pilates At Guides

Premier Active April Challenge

Girl Guides in Ballarat will be participating in the annual Premier’s Active April challenge. Register as part of our team and enjoy the benefits of 30 minutes of physical activity per day.

Locke Family

World’s Greatest Shave

World’s Greatest Shave for Alex and Maggie Locke

GirlGuidesBallarat BegoniaParade2019 Friends

Guides @ Begonia Festival Parade

Ballarat Girl Guides and Leaders have participated in the Ballarat Begonia Festival parade.

RegionCanoeing 4346

Region Canoeing @ Creswick

Eighty Girl Guides have enjoyed the opportunity to canoe on St George’s Lake.


Tim Tam Day

Your Guide Leaders have acknowledged Tim Tam Day. Of course.

Girl Guide Enquiries

2019 Registrations Open

Enquiries are now open for new members to join Guiding in Ballarat