Buninyong Marmalade Dinner
Last weekend, a team of Girl Guides and their Leaders volunteered their time to assist the Committee of the Buninyong Marmalade Festival at their special event. The Marmalade Dinner was…

Fire Brigade visit Girl Guides
Last week, a team of volunteer members of the Sebastopol Fire Brigade visited local Girl Guides to teach about fire safety issues. The girls learnt important concepts, including “get down…

Matilda's visit with Jasmine in Ballarat
Hi my name is Jas. Today I went ice skating with my little friend ‘Matilda’. We had lots of fun even though I tripped over what felt like at least…

Aviation Careers Advice
Aviation Careers The Ballarat Aero Club have invited our older Girl Guides (and their friends) to attend an information session covering advice about aviation careers. The session will be of…

Girl Guide Biscuits
Girl Guide biscuits have been a Guiding tradition for more than 50 years. Today, local Girl Guides set up a display in Central Square and sold their biscuits directly to…

Guides help spread the word
M.R. Power Reserve, Sebastopol On Saturday, June 11, local Girl Guides performed service work by assisting the Ballarat City Council. The Guides distributed pamphlets to households surrounding the M.R .…

Ballarat Guides earn BP Award
2016 State BP Award Certificate Presentation On Saturday, May 28, eight Guides from Ballarat District travelled to Yarraville to attend the annual State BP Award Certificate Presentation. Over the last…

Matilda begins her journey
A patrol of Matilda’s from Ballarat are currently preparing for their big trip around Australia. And possibly beyond. Our ‘Flat Matildas’ have been created by the 4th Ballarat Guide unit.…