Virtual Doughnut Sleepover

Doughnut Challenge badgeDuring 2021, three of our Ballarat Units combined to organise a Doughnut Challenge Day. At the last minute, this activity was cancelled due to a covid lockdown and no other opportunity arose between the many Victorian lockdowns.

As an alternative, the program activities were adapted or replaced and moulded into a  virtual sleepover.  The girls had a wonderful time.

Many other Leaders expressed an interest in running the program so we have packaged it up for others to use.

This was our first ever virtual sleepover and is not necessarily the best way. It is just the way we did it.



Girl Guide Badges

Pasta Mug Ingredients

Guide Cooking


Guiding Alumni

Girl Guide handbooks


Region Map 2018 Central Highlands

History of Girl Guides

Thinking Day 2016 Ballarat


If you use this program, please provide the details of any extra activities that you implement.

We will add the details to this page and continue to build a big resource of activities for others to use.

If you use this program, please provide the details of any extra activities that you implement.

We will add the details to this page and continue to build a big resource of activities for others to use.