Virtual Doughnut Sleepover
During 2021, three of our Ballarat Units combined to organise a Doughnut Challenge Day. At the last minute, this activity was cancelled due to a covid lockdown and no other opportunity arose between the many Victorian lockdowns.
As an alternative, the program activities were adapted or replaced and moulded into a virtual sleepover. The girls had a wonderful time.
Many other Leaders expressed an interest in running the program so we have packaged it up for others to use.
This was our first ever virtual sleepover and is not necessarily the best way. It is just the way we did it.
Virtual Doughnut Sleepover pack
This document contains:
- a list of items included in the Activity Pack we provided to each family
- a detailed description of the activities for other Leaders to implement
- program outline
- the details provided to parents, including the items that were needed at home
Activity Book
This is the activity book that we provided as part of the Sleepover Activity Pack.
Sources of images have been acknowledged. The pages have been designed to print back-to-back.
Event Certificates
This is a version of our certificates with the date, unit names and individual names removed. Feel free to use these and add the names of the participants.
Doughnut in a Mug Recipe
Link to the Mug Doughnut recipe
Doughnut Challenge badges
We purchased the Doughnut Challenge badge from I need that There are also many other activity ideas that we didn't implement at our sleepover but may do at a later stage.
If you use this program, please provide the details of any extra activities that you implement.
We will add the details to this page and continue to build a big resource of activities for others to use.
If you use this program, please provide the details of any extra activities that you implement.
We will add the details to this page and continue to build a big resource of activities for others to use.