Glasses Collection Updated

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May 17, 2018

The Miner has published an updated article (page 18) covering how many glasses our Girl Guides have collected for the Recycle for Sight project.

3005 glasses, and still going

When Ballarat Girl Guides took on the challenge to collect 2018 pairs of used glasses, they actually had no idea whether it was even an achievable target. They now know that is certainly is, and have just surpassed 3000.

As a service project, the Guides are assisting local Lions Clubs with their ongoing ‘Recycle for Sight’ project to donate eyewear to those in need in third world countries.

GirlGuidesBallarat 1974 KaitlynKaitlyn Brown, a member of the 1st Sebastopol Guide Unit is undertaking the challenge as a component of the Queens Guide Award. But it has definitely been a team effort. Guides from several local units are all contributing, as well as groups from out of town who can see the benefit of the project.

Guides from as young as 5 years old have been able to help by decorating special collection boxes to display at schools and supporting businesses (all of which are listed on the Guide website).

And the public support has been incredible. People have been able to find a useful purpose for glasses they no longer need. They have made a real difference to thousands of people who will benefit from receiving glasses to improve eyesight.

GirlGuidesBallarat 1972 GlassesPast District Governor Barry Davis from Brown Hill Lions Club is the District Coordinator for District 201v1-4 Barry has added Kaitlyn’s collection to those he has already collected from local optometrists. He now has over six thousand pair to be sent to the Lions Glasses Recycling Centre at Redcliffe Queensland. They will be sorted, cleaned, graded and labelled, then transported to third world countries for distribution by local volunteers and medical support teams.

Australian Lions Clubs have donated over 7 million pairs of spectacles, sunglasses, frames and lenses since their Recycle for Sight project began in 1998. It is completely run by volunteers with up to 600 people receiving a new pair of glasses each day.


-> Drop off locations

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