Guides Race Around Melbourne


February 26, 2017

What an incredible event !! 870 Victorian Girl Guides swarming around Melbourne.

On Saturday, February 25th, our girls from the Ballarat District boarded an early train headed for Melbourne. On the way, we were joined by our friends from Bacchus Marsh and Melton. We collected even more Guides as we travelled West.

Trains and trams transported our Guides to Birrarung Marr where, after a countdown to 9:30am, the Race Around Melbourne began.

Race Around Melbourne

SebastopolGuidesRAM2017cThe RAM activity was a State event organised by Guides Victoria. It involved patrols of Guides working together to navigate maps, find checkpoints, answer questions and upload specific photos. The Guides dispersed all over metropolitan Melbourne and the outer suburbs using various forms of pubic transport.

Facebook and Instagram show photos of Guides at Flinders Street Station clocks, the Emporium, Melbourne Central, Block Arcade, Royal Arcade, Preston, the State Library, Federation Square, ANZ Bank, Parliament Station, Melbourne Town Hall, St Pauls Cathedral, the Shrine of Remembrance, ACMI, Parliament House, Melbourne Museum, various statues and plaques, Enterprise wharf, Flagstaff Gardens, GPO, Grand Hotel, JFK Memorial, Treasury Gardens, Melbourne Aquarium, Polly Woodside, Sydney Myer Music Bowl, Arts Centre, Coburg, Greek Orthodox Church, Coburg Library, Melbourne Zoo, Royal Children’s Hospital, Flagstaff Gardens ….. they were everywhere.

Thinking Day Service

ThinkingDayTeamRAM2017 e1488101647705A quick ceremony acknowledged the purpose of the day – World Thinking Day.

A presentation about the beginning of Guiding was beautifully presented. This was enhanced with the display of previous uniforms.

This was a fantastic day and a great experience for our Ballarat Guides who are not regularly exposed to trains and trams.

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