Funding to Increase Guiding

March 16, 2018
Minister for Youth Affairs, Jenny Mikakos has announced that Girl Guides Victoria are to receive funding of $1 million over a 4 year period from the Victorian State Government.
This funding will be used to target increased access to Guiding for disadvantaged girls via:
- establishing eight new ‘Guides in Schools’ programs (school-based programs) for girls experiencing disadvantage
- increasing diversity through Community Guiding programs
- supporting participation for rural and regional girls into existing Guide Units
- providing targeted support to rural and regional guide groups, helping to recruit and support over 80 girls
- increasing participation in outdoor activities
- supporting the development of new and existing adult volunteers
Minister for Youth Affairs Jenny Mikakos says:
“We’re encouraging more girls to get outdoors, make friendships and take on new challenges as Girl Guides.”
Ballarat Girl Guides featured on a TV news article releasing information about the funding.