Buninyong Marmalade Dinner


August 2, 2016

Last weekend, a team of Girl Guides and their Leaders volunteered their time to assist the Committee of the Buninyong Marmalade Festival at their special event.  The Marmalade Dinner was organised to raise funds for the Buninyong Marmalade Festival that is held in late January or early February each year.

MarmaladeTeamOur Guides, Amy, Maddi, Tegan, Sally, Chloe, Zara, Kathrine and Vanessa, waited on tables and served a six course meal to guests.  They even carried very fancy ‘Four Part Desserts’ which were served on a long white bathroom tile.  Each course included an element of citrus fruit. The Guides tasted a few of the wonderful dishes.

Congratulations to Sally who performed a memorable ‘catch in slips’ of a recalcitrant apple pie that was refusing to stay on the plate.  It was a remarkable catch, showing excellent reflexes and very quick thinking.


jarsThe Mamalashes were held earlier in the year. Entries were submitted from each state of Australia, competing in all areas of marmalade making – orange, lemon, lime, kumquat, three fruits etc.

The winners of this competition go on to form a team, called the Australia Eleven and compete against the English Eleven.  Twelve jars of marmalade (11 players and the 12th man, just like a cricket team) are sent to the finals held in the north of England.  The winner is awarded ‘The Ashes’ as a prize – a jar of something unknown (although legend has it that the jar contains a very burnt batch of marmalade).

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