Our newest future Girl Guide

July 1, 2022
We are really excited to be able to share the news of the arrival of our newest future Girl Guide – Kelsea Maya Cray.
Kelsea was born this week to Jenna Cray, a volunteer Leader in the Ballarat District. Huge congratulations to Jenna and Leon on the birth of their first child.
Several years ago the Delacombe Junior Guides held a special Guide’s Hens Night leading up to Jenna’s wedding to Leon.
Earlier this term a gender reveal activity was held with the guesses divided. The strawberry-filled chocolate frogs suggested that Jenna was having a girl – and they turned out to be correct.
Baby Shower
The Guides added some pink to their uniforms and threw Jenna a special Guide Baby Shower with activities that included:
- making their own camp blanket badges to acknowledge Jenna’s baby
- comparing the taste of different baby foods
- identifying baby photos of Guides and Leaders
- a photo booth
- decorating a baby welcome poster
- guessing the baby’s gender, weight, eye colour etc
- estimating the diameter of Jenna’s tummy
We look forward to Kelsea growing big enough to fit into her “Future Girl Guide” outfit and joining Guides in 5 years time.