Guides on the Dementia Trail

October 25, 2024
Exploring the Canadian Forest
The 11th Ballarat Guides recently took the opportunity to walk the Dementia Trail in the local Canadian forest. It was a delightful experience filled with exploration.
As they journeyed through the trail, the Guides encountered a large mob of kangaroos, but they were not able to locate the resident koala. The wildflowers along the path were surprisingly not large and showy, but were tiny, delicate blooms.
The trail is wide and flat, making it accessible for everyone, including those with disabilities. There are QR codes on various posts that provide loads of information when accessed on a smart phone, including the sounds of bird calls.
Hannah and Laura took some lovely photos during the evening.
The Guides encourage others to visit soon while the wild flowers are still out. Enter via Katy Ryan’s Road at the end of Elsworth St East.