Active April – Gymnastics
Gymnastic Sessions Have you all registered for the Premier’s Active April Challenge? The Ballarat Gymsports are running some holiday session that can definitely count as physical activity. Run Tumble Fly…

Active April -Table Tennis
The Ballarat Table Tennis Stadium are providing an opportunity for families to participate in a session of table tennis during Active April. [Sunday April 23, 2017]

Harmony Day with a Chinese Lion
Ballarat Begonia Junior Girl Guides celebrated Harmony Day with a Lion Team training session for the Chinese Australian Cultural Society. They learnt dances, wore costumes and played drums.

Environment Day 2017
Local Guides joined others from across the state to participate in an Environment Day Activity in Ballarat. The girls had a great day fishing and learning about the health of the waters of Lake Wendouree.

Dr Seuss Night
One of our Guide units has celebrated the birthday of Dr Suess with a special activity night.

Guides Race Around Melbourne
Our girls from Ballarat District joined 870 other Girl Guides in Melbourne for the Race Around Melbourne event. What an excellent way to celebrate World Thinking Day.

Water Balloon fight with Scouts and Guides
Our Guides have joined with the Scouts for a night of friendly-fire in the form of ballistas and water balloons.

Girls Rock 2017
Many Ballarat Guide Leaders attended a special Leaders conference where they heard from several guest speakers talking about Resilience. Girls Rock is an annual conference providing Leaders with current information and skills to start the new year.