Girl Guides Victoria’s response to Coronavirus

March 14, 2020
March 14, 2020
All Guide Events Suspended
All members of Girl Guides Victoria have received notification advising that upcoming Guide events have been suspended.
To support the health and well-being of girls, volunteers and the wider community all Girl Guide Victoria activities, including meetings, training, off site activities, camps and events are being suspended effective immediately until the beginning of Term 2 (14 April 2020).
The decision was made by the Executive Team in response to the rapidly changing situation with COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and the need to reduce the risk to members and their families. This is a reflection of the Girl Guide values of caring for each other, for Australia and for the world.
This is our part to play in protecting the vulnerable members of our families and communities, and working towards more positive days for all of us.
For up to date information on COVID-19 in Victoria and information about precautions, please refer to the Department of Health and Human Services website.