Ballarat Guiding event for Thinking Day

February 20, 2022
Did you know that in Ballarat’s CBD you can find a bird, a dog, a cat, a frog, three rats, a dragon and a man getting dressed?
11th Ballarat Guides organised a special scavenger hunt throughout the city and these are some of the unusual objects that could be found.
On Sunday afternoon, 20 February, Girl Guides from all over Ballarat joined together to celebrate both World Thinking Day and 100 years of Guiding in Ballarat. The district event was named RABBIT - Race Around Beautiful Ballarat In Teams. Groups of uniformed girls could be seen throughout the CBD clustered around maps and clue sheets trying to find the hidden answers to 100 questions.

The observation challenges were based on the Guide Promise and Guide Law that existed back in 1922. This resulted in the girls exploring the streets of Ballarat searching for objects and taking photos with police officers, paramedics, pet dogs, statues, signs, flags, door hinges, friends, strangers ...... the girls certainly didn't go unnoticed.
The winning certificates were presented to:
- Delacombe Junior Girl Guides - Junior Guide section
- 1st Sebastopol Girl Guides - Guide section
The girls all enjoyed a wonderful day with activities, cupcakes, icypoles, badges and a treat at McDonalds.
One hundred years on we now have Guide groups meeting right across Ballarat in Redan, Sebastopol, Delacombe, Soldier's Hill, Brown Hill and Ballarat Central.
We are excited that Ballarat has been chosen as the destination for the National Jamboree in 2023. This provides a really convenient opportunity for our girls to enjoy outdoor camping and Guiding activities on a large scale.
Guiding in Ballarat
The first unit of Girl Guides was started at Queen’s Anglican Girls’ Grammar School in 1922, closely followed by one at Ballarat High School and another at St Andrew’s Kirk in Sturt Street.
The only unit that begun in 1922 which still exists today is the 4th Ballarat Girl Guides. The girls in this unit are very proud that their unit has existed for 100 years.
-> Learn more about the history of Guiding in Ballarat
World Thinking Day
World Thinking Day is celebrated each year on 22nd February to acknowledge the joint birthday of our Founder, Lord Robert Baden-Powell and his wife, Olave, our World Chief Guide.
It is a day on which we think of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts in
150 other countries throughout the world. This year, Ballarat Guides are thinking about Guides in Tonga who have lost so much in the recent ocean volcano and resultant tsunami. The Guides contributed 'care packs' of toiletries, school books and stationery supplies.
These will be sent to Tonga at the end of February to replace some of the items the girls have lost.