Make Music Day

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June 21, 2018

June 21 – Making music around the world

Delacombe Junior Guides have participated in “Make Music Day” with youth members performing musical items for each other.  All members of the unit participated after preparing and practicing at home.

Guides as young as 5 either played the piano, sang songs, or played the cello. It was lovely to see the level of confidence that the girls could achieve in the safe, encouraging environment of Guiding.



Make Music Day

On this date, “Make Music Day” is celebrated in more than 120 countries around the world.  It was first launched in France in 1982 when Ministry of Culture developed an idea for a musical holiday. The plan was for a day where free music would be performed around the city: street corners, parks, rooftops, gardens, and store fronts. In France, the day is celebrated on the summer solstice (June 21) as a national holiday. Paris shuts down on the summer solstice and musicians take over.

For us, this is our Winter Solstice.

The day is celebrated with the enjoyment of music by anyone who wants to take part – young and old, amateur and professional. They organise or attend events to share music with friends, neighbours, and strangers.

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