Guides Decorate Bras for Good Cause

July 30, 2013
Bedazzled Bras help raise funds
Article in The Ballarat Courier
By KIM QUINLAN July 30, 2013, midnight
NORMALLY an embarrassing subject for many teenagers, underwear in particular bras took on a whole new meaning for a group of Ballarat girls recently.
Several members of the 1st Sebastopol Girl Guide unit took on the challenge of organising a service project, and decorating bras became their new love all in the name of fundraising.
The Guides became aware of a young girl undergoing treatment for breast cancer after watching a recent episode of the television medical show RPA. It seemed appropriate, given their age, that the Guides should raise funds for breast cancer research.
Dawn Fisher from the 1st Sebastopol Girl Guides said the bra-decorating project named Bedazzled Bras was the first time girls had tackled anything like this and they eagerly accepted the challenge.
“As a group, they decided to design and decorate bras and to hold a display where other Guides, parents and visitors could pay to cast a vote for the bra of their choice,” Mrs Fisher said.
Guest speakers at the launch were Support 4 Cancer founder Colleen Thompson and McGrath Foundation nurse Fiona Reeves.
The bras will be on display at the Sebastopol Senior Citizens Clubrooms in Vickers Street from 1.30pm Wednesday or from 7pm to 8.30pm Thursdays.