Frisbee Golf

February 12, 2021
This term our Guides are spending as much time outdoors as possible.
The 2020 covid-lockdown meant that many outdoor activities were cancelled or postponed, so we are determined to provide outdoor experiences throughout 2021.
The new Victoria Park Disc Golf Course presented the ideal outdoor activity for our local Guides and is no doubt scheduled on the term program for other local Guides through out the term.
Delacombe Junior Guides spent time decorating their own frisbees at a Guiding session then visited the frisbee range for a game the following week.
This was a great opportunity for families to learn about the new park facility. We didn’t complete the 18-hole course but the girls might like to finish it off with their families – perhaps on a day that doesn’t start off excessively hot and finish with a downpour half way through a round of golf 😃