Design a Region Badge

July 21, 2018
We need a new badge
Earlier this year, Guiding in Ballarat District became part of the Central Highlands Region. This now gives us the opportunity to create a brand new region badge.
All Guides are invited to submit a suggested design. Draw your design on a plain A4 piece of paper and hand it to your Leader (who will pass it on to the Region Team).
- The Girl Guide trefoil needs to be included
- Must include the words CENTRAL HIGHLANDS REGION
- Include some bright colours
The rest is up to you.
Previous region badges have incorporated images representing the region.
You might like to take into account that the Central Highlands Regions is made up of 6 local Guiding Districts:
- Ararat District
- Ballarat District
- Golden Plains District
- Hepburn District
- Moorabool District
- Pyrnees District
We look forward to seeing what you come up with.