Mug Muster

August 29, 2017
Mugs Wanted – Again
The hunt is on again for spare mugs to donate to UnitingCare Breezeway.
Where do they all go? Lost? Broken? Misplaced? Who knows !?!
Either way, this is a great service project where everybody can help out. Search through your cupboards and come up with any mugs that you no longer need, then either
- take them along to your Guide unit
- deliver them to Margaret’s front veranda
- deliver them to UnitingCare Ballarat in Dana Street
The mugs are used for various Breezeway programs where at least 150 mugs are used each day.
There is also a need for towels. If you have towels that are still a good quality that you no longer need, UnitingCare could make use of those.