Australia Day Awards 2017

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January 26, 2017

Aussie Aussie Aussie

Happy Australia Day

Local Girl Guides have started the new year by providing the flag procession (colour party) at the Australia Day Awards and Citizenship Ceremony.  The Guides greeted guests, showed them to their seats, handed out Aussie flags and helped Mayor McIntosh with the Citizenship presentations.


Australia Day Awards

Every year, the City of Ballarat presents Australia Day Awards  to recognise positive contributions to the local community in the following categories:

  • Ballarat Citizen of the Year
  • Ballarat Young Citizen of the Year
  • Community Activity of the Year

There were 78 individuals nominated for Young Citizen of the Year, many of who have had an association with Guiding.

Mayor McIntosh announced the winners as:

Kath Morton – Ballarat’s Citizen of the Year

Kath Morton was recognised for her work to improve the lives of refugees and asylum seekers in Australia. Ms Morton is a foundation member of Ballarat Rural Australians for Refugees, raises funds for the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre and lobbies the Federal Government seeking changes to refugee policy.

AustraliaDayAwards2017Chloe Waddell – Ballarat Young Citizen of the Year 

Chloe Waddell  began raising funds for charities when she was four-years-old, has volunteered her time and raised funds for service oganisations and spent two weeks in Bali donating goods to schools, kindergartens and orphanage at her own expense.

The Inaugural Brown Hill Community Festival – Ballarat Community Event of the Year

The Inaugural Brown Hill Community Festival is a celebration of the Brown Hill community.


GirlGuidesAustraliaDay IMG 3839Australian Citizenship

20 Ballarat residents officially became citizens of Australia in a special ceremony where they each made the citizenship pledge.

The recipients were from India, Britain, Pakistan, Vietnam, Canada, South Africa New Zealand and Nigeria.

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