Kaitlyn Brown Queens Guide 6148

Queens Guide Award in Ballarat

Congratulaltions to Kailtyn Brown on being presented with the Queen’s Guides Award .

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Hen’s Night

Ballarat Guides enjoyed a range of Hen’s Night activitie to celebrate Jenna’s wedding.

Girl Guides Ballart BP 11th 5530

5 BP Awards for Ballarat

Congratulations to our Ballarat Guides who have completed the BP peak achievement award.

MtClear 5492

World Teachers Day 2019

Primary school teachers have enjoyed a special night at Girl Guides to celebrate World Teachers Day.

Dawn Fischer Senior Award

Senior Volunteering Award

Local Guide Leader, Dawn Fischer, has been recognised with the 2019 Mayor’s Award for Contribution to Volunteering.

GirlGuidesBallarat TriviaNight2019 Winners

Trivia Night

Table 11 have won first place at the Triivia Night.

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Supersized Sunflower Sleepover

Local Guides have helped break a record of the number of Guides attending a sleepover on the same night.

GirlGuidesBallarat Slices

Sponsor Night @ Guides

Ballarat Guides have acknowledge their sponsors with a special event.

GirlGuidesBallarat Sebastopol Inagawa

Inagawa, Ballarat’s sister city

August 1 is the 31st anniversary of the signing of the official Sister City agreement between Ballarat and Inagawa in 1988.

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Guides learning Car Maintenance

Ballarat Guides attended a workshop to learn about car maintenance