Guides remove graffiti

June 30, 2022
Big thanks to the Patrol Leaders from 11th Ballarat Guides who have spent time during their school holidays removing graffiti from the brick wall of one of our meeting places.
The graffiti was discovered quite recently and the girls considered that removing it was a priority before the next lot of campers arrived and were confronted with the scene.
Guiding families have recently spent a lot of time cleaning and tidying the property so that Guiding activities can get back into full swing after the recent lockdowns. It a shame that Jack B thought it necessary to announce his presence and practice his writing skills on a private building. He must be so proud of his accomplishments.
We are even more proud of the Guides who worked hard to remove Jack’s vandalism.
They used a combination of methods that began with spraying graffiti remover, scrubbing like mad and washing the area. Although a whole bottle of graffiti remover managed to lighten the writing, the result was not acceptable and the girls spent the rest of the day painting the wall.
Well done girls.