Great timing for hikes


August 6, 2020

Just hours before it was announced that Guiding was once again to avoid face-to-face meetings, three local units had enjoyed separate hiking activities on a surprisingly glorious winter Sunday.  All Units received a surprise visit from Janelle Howell, the State Commissioner of Girl Guides Victoria, and Louisa Watts, the Manager of Central Highlands Region and Ballarat District Guides.


Hoola Hoop Hike

Both the Sebastopol and Delacombe Guide Units have been meeting via Zoom sessions since March. Their term 3 weekly programs have focused on completing challenges for the Feet Badge.  It seemed perfect therefore to include a hike along a segment of  the Yarrowee River Trail (and of course to make scroggin to nibble along the way).

The weather was perfect, but even if it had have been raining, the girls were determined to get out of the house and finally spend time together face-to-face.  Well, almost face-to-face. The Guides and Leaders all wore facemasks, even though official regulations didn’t require masks on Sunday. Each participant walked within a hoola hoop to help with physical distancing requirements.




Hike to the Gong

11th Ballarat Guides have met together several times this term face to face, as well as some Zoom sessions. They have been working on their Fitness badge, which has also encompassed aerobics and personal physical challenges for which they have chosen walking, exercise classes, dog walking for service, calisthenics, bike riding, skate boarding or basketball.

On Sunday they enjoyed a hike from Brown Hill to the Gong Reservoir.  Leaders and Guides enforced physical distancing with the aid of a long piece of rope knotted at appropriate intervals.

The group of Guides were joined by Leaders, parents and a dog.



Janelle and Louisa took the opportunity to make a video about masks and physical distancing while playing with hoola hoops with the Sebastopol Guides.

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