Clean Up Australia 2024

March 7, 2024
The 1st Sebastopol Guides and Delacombe Junior Guides have contributed to the tidiness of the Sebastopol community through their active participation in the 2024 Clean Up Australia event.
This annual commitment is a demonstration of their dedication to achieving a cleaner environment. The girls focus their efforts on local schools, parklands and neighbourhood streets, enthusiastically cleaning up their surroundings. They divided into Patrols and filled many bags with rubbish and recyclables.
The Clean Up Australia campaign presents a perfect opportunity for Guides of all ages to provide community service. This year, Lilly participated in her 5th clean-up event and was joined for the first time by her younger sister, Molly, who recently started Guiding and was eager to help.

Clean Up Australia Day
This annual event began in 1990 when Ian Kiernan had an idea to make a difference in his own backyard. Clean Up Australia Day is now Australia's largest community-based environmental event.
In the last 30 years, more than 20 million Australians have participated in Clean Up Australia activities and events and volunteered to clean up streets, bushland, parks and waterways.
Our Girl Guides are proud to be part of such a worthwhile program.