Kani-Karrung Girl Guide Jamboree
15-21 January 2023
The 2023 Guides Victoria Jamboree was held in our own backyard at Victoria Park in Ballarat. This incredible opportunity meant that more than 50% of our local Guides aged 10+ participated in a large-scale event that involved nearly 1500 Guides and Leaders from all over Australia.
Ballarat Guides have also participated in previous Guide Jamborees, including:
- Ace in VIC - 2010
- fanTAStic in TAS - 2013
- Great Bunya Gathering in QLD - 2015
- Sydney Jamboree in NSW - 2018
Jamboree Program
The Jamboree was organised by a team at Guides Victoria, led by Helen Reid. The activities were amazing and provided opportunities for fantastic adventures.
Jamboree mascot
The jamboree mascot was a wombat. Guides were invited to a suggest names and the name selected was Pebbles, submitted Lily from the Quakers Hill Girl Guides in NSW.
At our Jamboree, the name Pebbles reflects 3 things:
- Actual pebbles reflect the stepping-stones which we step on to help us to cross obstacles in our way. Pebbles the Wombat is a reminder of the stepping-stones in our Guiding journeys.
- When tossed in water, pebbles create a visible ongoing ripple, and each day we have the choice to create positive ripples around us.
- Every single pebble is different and unique; some rough, some smooth, some lined, some spotted. Just like each one of us.

Sub Camps
The indigenous names of the sub camps were from the Wadawurrung language.
You might like to use the Wadawurrung Language app to help with pronunciation of indigenous words.

Quizzes Test your knowledge with some quizzes
Kani-Karrung Quiz
Test your Jamboree knowledge
Kani-Karrung Quiz
Take this quiz to find out how much you know about the 2023 Kani-Karrung Jamboree.
Pebbles in Ballarat
Where did Pebbles visit?
Pebbles in Ballarat
Take this quiz to see if you can identify the Ballarat places visited by Pebbles before arriving at the Jamboree.
Ballarat Guiding Quiz
How much do you know about Guiding in Ballarat?
Ballarat Guiding Quiz
Guiding in Ballarat has been active for more than 100 years. Take this quiz to find out how much you know about Girl Guides in Ballarat.