World Teacher Day 2016

October 27, 2016
Teachers at Guides Night
In Australia, World Teachers Day is celebrated on the last Friday in October.
The Delacombe Junior Girl Guides have celebrated the occasion at their 10th annual “Teachers at Guides Night” where they invited their school teachers to join them at a special Girl Guide activity. Teachers attended from various Ballarat schools, including Lumen Christi P.S., Delacombe P.S., Mount Clear P.S., Glen Park P.S., Caledonian P.S. and Sebastopol P.S.
On behalf of the unit, Niamh, Emily and Hope welcomed the teachers and thanked them for the time and effort they put into organising classes and excursions. They acknowledged that they won’t remember everything they are taught, but that they will remember that their teachers went along to join them at Guides.
It takes a very special teacher to spend extra time with their students at an after-school activity.The Guides and their teachers spent the night doing activities together, including
- making edible Guiding Lights
- playing mind-games
- playing noodle hockey’
- eating cupcakes
- working together to decipher lateral thinking messages
The girls made a uniform sash for their teachers and pinned on a special badge. They enjoyed making gifts the week before and presented these to their teachers on the night.
Teachers Day is acknowledged world-wide and is a special day to show appreciation for our wonderful teachers.