September Guiding

September 30, 2017
September has been a busy month for Guiding in Ballarat. Even through inclement weather our Units have enjoyed many activities with their Guides.
We have participated in activities, such as
- a special camp for successfully completing the state Sunflower Challenge. The Guides stayed at Pax Hill where they planted sunflower seeds and enjoyed abseiling.
- visited the Ballarat Wildlife Park to make a donation and learn about koalas (to coincide with Save the Koala Day)
- a tree planting activity at Lingbogol. The girls camped overnight and were later joined by their dads who assisted the planting of 140 trees. These were provided by Fifteen Trees.
- sewing bags and donating toiletry items to WRISC to assist women and children in need
- creating Care Packs to donate to the Ballarat Soup Bus
- making Fathers Day gifts
- collecting mugs to donate to the UnitingCare Breezeway program
- recreating the activities taught by our Japanese Girl Guide visitors
- a ‘Dad and Daughter’ night encompassing craft, play, observation and a photo booth
- service to the Ballarat Toy Library in the form of checking toys and puzzles to ensure they are complete, clean and functional.
- making special boxes to begin a service project of collecting used glasses to donate to the Lions ‘Recycle for Sight’ program
Different Units have been focusing on a variety of interest badges: Emergency, Eyes, Outer space, Chocolate.