Queens Guide Award for Ballarat Guides

September 4, 2016
Presentation at Government House
Ballarat Guides, Lydia and Mikki have joined other Guides from across the state in a special presentation at Government House.
The ceremony included presentations for our highest Guiding awards, as well as similar Scouting Awards.
Queen’s Guides – the peak achievement award for youth members of Guiding. Eleven Victorian Guides were presented with this award by the Governor’s husband, including Lydia and Mikki.
Olave Baden Powell (OBP) recipients – the highest award for a young woman in the Olave program. This award was presented to Ballarat’s Petina Blackwell.
Asia Pacific Award recipients – recognition of the contribution from adults to Guiding in our part of the world. Congratulations to recipients Jane Pennington and Jill Livingston.
Queen’s Guides: Mikki and Lydia
Two local Guides have been awarded with the Queen’s Guide Award at a special presentation ceremony on Wednesday, August 31st 2016.
Mikki and Lydia, members of the Ballarat Senior Guides, completed the Award after several years of undertaking personal challenges and contributing to local Guide units and their community.
They were presented with various badges with an audience of family, friends, unit members, local Guides Leaders and Ballarat District Leader, Astrid Bahr.
Mikki and Lydia will receive their certificates at a special presentation at Government House, along with other Queen’s Guides and Queen’s Scouts from across Victoria.
Although the Girl Guide Promise no longer makes reference to ‘the Queen’, Guides still regularly serve the Queen as part of their service to Australia.
Queen’s Guide Award
The Queen’s Guide Award is the peak achievement award for youth members of Girl Guides Australia. It provides an opportunity for personal development and self-awareness. The Award requires significant determination, resilience and commitment, and it is not expected that every Guide will chose to pursue the Award.
Each Queen’s Guide must pursue an interest and a focus, as well as complete challenges for each of the 7 components of the Australian Guide Program:
- Promise and Law
- Guiding Traditions
- Service
- Outdoors
- Leadership
- Patrol System
- and World Guiding.
All tasks need to be documented, peer assessed, and approved by Guides Victoria.
Mikki and Lydia
Collectively, Mikki and Lydia have:
- researched and taught others about the history of Guiding
- organised a Relay for Life team to raise funds for cancer research
- volunteered time at the library Homework Club
- busked to raise funds for the McGrath Foundation
- developed resource kits focused on health-related support services for teenagers
- completed outdoor campfire challenges
- attended leadership residential course
- contributed to the running of their unit
- research another Guiding country
- pursued design and scrapbooking as interests
- completed an ‘arts’ focus with participation in local productions
We congratulate both Mikki and Lydia on achieving this great accomplishment.