Pink finger buns for good cause

May 1, 2016
Opportunity for Girl Guides to help Breast Cancer Network Australia
Ballarat Girl Guides are pleased to be able support Bakers Delight in their campaign to raise money for Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA). This is an issue that has affected many Guiding families, and a cause where we are always happy to help.
Bakers Delight are running a special campaign between 21st April – 11th May to raise money for BCNA. They will be baking “pink” finger buns and 100% of the sale price on all finger buns will be donated to BCNA to help women affected by breast cancer.
They also have “pink” silhouette ladies for sale for $1 if anybody wants to write a message of support, plus special Mother’s Day Cards (all sales value go to BCNA)
Breast Cancer Network Australia
BCNA is the peak national organisation for Australians affected by breast cancer. They work to ensure that Australians affected by breast cancer receive the very best support, information, treatment and care appropriate to their individual needs.
BCNA are represented by the Pink Lady silhouette, which is symbolic of their focus on the women diagnosed with breast cancer and all those around her
Bakers Delight
Bakers Delight have been a founding partner with BCNA for more than 15 years. Including the 2015 Pink Bun Campaign, Bakers Delight have donated a total of $15 million worth of funds and pro-bono services to BCNA.
Each year during the annual Pink Bun fundraising campaign, more than 600 Bakers Delight bakeries across Australia ‘pink up’ and donate 100% of the sale of their pink finger buns to BCNA.
In 2016 Bakers Delight is aiming to raise $1.5 million.