Japanese Guide Visit – Friday

August 11, 2017
Phoenix P-12 Community College
Today we gave our Japanese Girl Guides the experience of an Australian school. We were very lucky that Phoenix P-12 Community College allowed the girls to spend a day with their students and teachers. Special thanks to Angela Quinn for organising a special day, and to Ebony, Zoey and Talia who escorted the girls throughout the day.
The activities began in the youngest section of the school where the Guides had fun singing songs and playing with the kindergarten children.
They then progressed to the Junior School and participated in an art class where they painted Chinese doll faces.
During recess, the girls attended a staff meeting with Phoenix teachers. Ruri introduced herself, expressed her appreciation for the visit, and presented a hand-made gift to Principal Karen Snibson.
In the Middle School section of the school, the girls participated in:
- a year 9/10 music class – Phoenix students helped them play the ukelale, guitar and keyboard
- a textiles class
- a woodwork class where they made wooden key rings and engraved their names
What a great representation of Aussie education. Thank you very much to the patient teachers and students at Phoenix who were so helpful and accommodating.