Australia Day 2020

Australia Day 2020

January 26, 2020

Happy Australia Day

Australia Day 2020 DavinaEven though the Guiding year has not yet begun, Ballarat Girl Guides have contributed to Australia Day events in a variety of ways.


Melbourne’s Australia Day Parade

Girl Guides Victoria were invited to carry the giant Australian flag in the 2020 Australia Day Parade, as well as individual consular flags. Several Ballarat Guides joined the new Girl Guide Commissioner to participate in the parade that began at the Melbourne Town Hall and continued along St Kilda Road to Anzac Parade.


Australia Day Citizenship Ceremony

Local Guides provided the flag procession at the Ballarat Australia Day Citizenship Ceremony held at the Ballarat Town Hall.  The Guides also escorted candidates to their seats and packed away chairs after the service.

28 Ballarat residents officially became citizens of Australia in the special ceremony where they each recited the Austalian Citizenship Pledge to Mayor Ben Taylor. The girls, and other guests, were given the opportunity to make a Citizenship Affirmation,  defined as a way of  standing together to show commitment to the nation and being a proud Australian. The short statement is similar to the Australian citizenship pledge made by new Australian citizens.

As an Australian citizen,
I affirm my loyalty to Australia and its people,
Whose democratic beliefs I share,
Whose rights and liberties I respect,
And whose laws I uphold and obey.


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