100 Years of Guiding in Ballarat RSVP
Reunion Afternoon
Sunday 15 October 2023
2-4 pm
Skipton Street Uniting Church Hall.
Corner Skipton and Darling Streets, Redan.

Activities that Celebrated our Centenary
and more planned throughout the year
100+ at Guide Reunion
Ballarat has hosted more than 100 past Guiding members to acknowledge the centenary of Guiding in Ballarat.
Adult Good Service Awards
Adult Good Service Awards have been presented to some of our Leaders
Callout for past Girl Guides
The Ballarat Times newspaper have helped promote our afternoon celebration with readers
Ballarat Guides in the Ballarat Times
This week, the details of our centenary celebrations were shared with readers of the Ballarat Times newspaper in an article prepared by journalist Edwina Williams. It is indeed true that…
Congratulations 4th Ballarat
4th Ballarat Guides have celebrated their 100th birthday at the theatre.
100 Year Birthday Bash
Local Guides have combined at a party to celebrate 100 years of Guiding in Ballarat
100 Guiding Memories
We have set ourselves several challenges and one of these is to collect 100 Guiding memories from past Girl Guides and Leaders.
We’d love for you to share your memories as we explore our local Guiding history.
You can either
- Complete the online form below
or - Print and post the form (pdf)

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